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2 Adults0 Children
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Fri Feb 07 2025 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) – Thu Feb 13 2025 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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Dream without limits with Garden Hotels!

At Garden Hotels we take your dreams and make them come true. We turn your holidays into an extraordinary experience.

There’s a whole world waiting to be discovered. Spend unforgettable holidays with your family, friends or partner at our modern, comfortable and welcoming hotels.

From visiting the largest Balearic island and its treasures, to staying in the most international of the Mediterranean islands, oozing magic 24 hours a day, to the perfect destination for nature lovers, Sail the wonderful coast of Mallorca, experience unique moments under the intense light of the Huelva coast with your partner, solo or with friends, stroll down the old town of Ibiza and enjoy the intense and dazzling light reflected in the traditional whitewashed houses that make up the island’s landscape.

We want you to come here eager to have the time of your life!

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